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Saturday, 18 August 2012

Merry christmas and a Happy New Class

Suhp room 4.

What did you guys and girls do on the weekend?                                                                                     Man my sister are like so totally annoying because                                                                                   they think that they can sing that they sang every                                                                                         chior song but they didn't even know the lyrics of it.
I tried to look up how to solve square roots and it
took me all night so I put on some music loud as
but then I got told to low it down.
Man Cross Country was very hard, but everyone
did a great job at running, especially the juniors
and seniors I suppose.
For some reason I actually don't want to leave
this class next year because this is the bestest class
that I have ever been in my whole life but les just see
if intermediate can beat us, (I think they can't) I'm just
on your side.
Now my sister are arguing about how long the songs
are that they souldn't sing (/mainly Toni) any way my
baby sister is stating to copy them so I've go to go.
See you at school!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle you were a busy girl in the weekend. Did you manage to understand what square roots are?

    Mrs P
